Trying to beat the heat - or not!

So today was a bit slower for Tim and I. We've kinda caught up with no pressing work for our immediate attention (other than one internet thing which we aren't able to do today). We saw it was going to be 95 degrees, so that meant even warmer living in the concrete jungle! I cooked the meat for lunch and dinner and got out of the kitchen as quickly as I could. We decided to give the one AC unit we have another try. We closed off all the rooms except the kitchen, closed the kitchen curtains, put a fan in the kitchen and gave the AC a chance to cool down the living room. It seemed to work, but we didn't notice until late afternoon because both of us got busy in our office areas and totally forgot about it. Yep! We worked in the heat and left an empty living room cooling down. So much for thinking wisely! In the end, we both got a lot done .... even with the heat. Now, I'll head to the living room to cool off!


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