They didn't remember ... but, I can't forget!

(This post is written with intentional vagueness to details that would point to one individual or one situation.)

We would be far better off in daily life if we would accept that God is always at work around us. He works in and through every situation we face. Although not always in the way we want! He works things for His purpose - not for ours. But, the beauty of relationship is that when we pray for something that is in complete accordance with God's will or His desires, it's a done deal! He already has a plan. So for us to commit to work with Him rather than against Him - we can count our prayers answered before we pray them.

Recently, I shared with someone about a time in their life that I had clearly seen God work in amazing ways - truly, He had done things in their heart and life that only God could have done. That testimony was something I had shared many times with other people when they told me of situations in their life that I felt would be impacted by that other individual's experience. I was always discreet and I didn't share any specifics or names. (When we're sharing what God does, we don't have to share names other than His!) I've seen multiple times that God used that testimony and impacted someone else for good.

Surprisingly, the person whose testimony I had shared didn't even remember that time in their life. They were totally stumped by "what time" I was talking about. Imagine that!

Had God caused them to forget that time because He was so active in their life it was just one of many other times He gave them reason for testimony?

Had they forgotten because things had changed?

Had they forgotten because their relationship with God had changed?

Had God caused them to forget so they wouldn't take credit for what He had done?

How could they have forgotten something that significant?

I've thought about this a lot. I don't have any answers and honestly, I don't need to think it through to get answers. I just need to learn from the experience that was shared with me. But, it did make me wonder about myself? I've been asking these questions of myself.

1) What things has God done that I have completely forgotten about? Did I forget because I continue to see Him working in my life? If so, not a problem! (This would be a good time for a note on journaling - but I won't do that to you!)

2) Is it my habit to forget the activity of God in my life when I'm not desperate for Him? Do I look for Him in the "little", "mundane", "daily" activities in my life?

3) Am I willing to let God take the memory of those times when I might take some of the glory that only He deserves? Am I willing to let it be all about Him?

4) Am I walking so closely with Jesus that everyday is filled with testimony of His grace and goodness? Would it be hard to remember something years ago because He is so active in my life right now?

I don't know why my friend had forgotten that time when God miraculously worked in their life. I don't know why they were surprised by their testimony impacting others. I don't know why they didn't remember something I couldn't forget. What is important is that my friend is still giving God glory in their life!

When people speak about the activity of God in our lives, what testimony do they give?
What don't we remember that others can't forget?


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