Turkey Talk!
You don't think much about how difficult it might be to find a turkey for Thanksgiving until you realize that the only country celebrating that holiday is America! People here can rarely afford to buy a turkey. The grocery stores don't have any - not ANY! I remembered seeing one weeks ago when I walked through our local Renick (market). I hadn't thought about not being able to find one until I began hearing coworkers talk about it.
One of my coworkers was put in charge of finding the turkey for the families I'm eating with. But, we all agreed that everyone would be on the lookout and buy one when one was spotted. Well, I've made a special trip over to the Renick 3 times this week looking for a turkey. Since there are 2 aisles of Kiosks, I would take one aisle and Tim would take the other. We'd meet at the end of the aisle unless we were the lucky one to find a turkey.
The first two times we had no luck, but the 3rd time was the charm. In the last set of kiosks, there it was in the corner of a refrigerated stand. It wasn't too big, but it was too big to be a chicken. I called for Tim and he called the other guy looking for a turkey to make sure he hadn't bought one. I was trying to talk to the lady as best as I could when this woman came up and over my right shoulder said, "Do you want to buy the turkey?". I said "yes". So she began a dialogue with the vendor and before you knew it, I had a turkey!
I asked the lady her name - she told me Pam. I introduced myself. She asked me who I served with and I told her. I ask her the same question, but didn't recognize the name she worked for. Then as quickly as she came in to help, she was gone. I looked out into the crowd and couldn't see her anywhere. For all I know - she was an angel (Heb. 13)!
I got home and sent a Facebook message to my friends, the Dollyhigh kids - Ethan, Caden and Sophie. I wanted them to know right away that God has answered their prayers to help us find a turkey. When his mom told him, Caden said, "Well sure He did, I prayed and asked Him for one." Oh, the simple faith of a child - if we could be like them!