Never knew "cold" before

This post will be short - but I have to share with those of you who grew up south of the Mason-Dixon line.  I never really knew what "cold" felt like before.  I thought I did, but I didn't.  Our low last night was 2 degrees Farenheit and our high was 20.  The highs for the rest of the week are 18-19-19-17-21.  (You see we hit a hot one on Saturday with 21).

We get in the car and travel with the heat on.  We are only out in the elements for short stints.  But, when I get home it takes hours to warm back up.  I watch those vendors at the Renick when we pass by and wonder how in the world they make it!  They stand outside all day!

If you can't really get an idea of how cold I'm talking about.  Remember the last time your hands and feet were so cold  you could hardly feel your fingers or toes?  Well, double that - and you'll have an idea!  I'm still struggling to find a hat that won't totally ruin my hair or find one I don't mind keeping on.  I know - the pride thing - but a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do!  We all have our priorities.

For those of you who live way up north in the U.S.  in places like Maine, Minnesota, Connecticut and Massassachutes (or even worse - Alaska) - just have yourself a laugh.  This southern belle may be cold but she's not done!

(For the serious among my readers - we have no updated info on the dispute between Russian and Ukraine.  We do have heat, hot water and gas to cook with today!)


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