X-TREME Living

I'm often amazed at how people choose to live their lives .... and have it make a kingdom impact at the same time. A coworker of ours lives in South America. He works in extreme conditions in villages along the Amazon. Interesting thing is that he is our age - not twenty-something!

Doug's lost his wife several years ago to breast cancer. After her death, he began to look at everything differently. He was always one who enjoyed camping and outdoor activities. So, when he heard about X-treme teams, he signed up! He travels the Amazon River, lives in the jungle for weeks at a time, and helps establish churches in places most people will never go. And, he's having the time of his life. (If you would like to follow Doug's travels, send me an email and I'll send you his blog address.)

On the worst of days in Ukraine, my life will never be as extreme as Doug's is. Interesting, the people he meets are much more receptive to the gospel than people I meet are. I wonder if convenience, access to the world and increasing comfort cause people to forget their "need" of help that only God can give. Education and progress seem to give people the false perspective that they can live life on their own. But, it's a lie.

I changed a lot since moving here - a lot! Life does that to you. But, praise God, He has not changed! I can trust that the Lord is right here with me, will not leave me, and will speak to me every time I open my heart and give Him the opportunity.

Life is extreme. "Extreme" just become relative to where we are in life (location and experience). Too many people are trying to create "normal" rather than enjoying "extreme". Normal life won't compel us to turn to the Lord. It de-sensitizes us to our need of Christ. Extreme living, even in middle America, requires a close walk with Jesus!

I'm humbled by the X-treme life Doug has chosen. I'm honored to know people like him.
But, I'm grateful for the life I live too. I'm thankful the the extreme situations we face - even if its as simple as having to cook in summer heat! Reminds me that I can't get through life alone!

We can choose to let life desensitize us or we can choose to live extremely in the middle of whatever life gives us.


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