Common mistakes
A common mistake we make is to assume things based on what we see - sometimes at a glance. So, where is this car? America, Ukraine .... I took the photo in Krackow, Poland on a recent visit there.
I found myself making that common mistake this morning. I am reading through 1 and 2 Timothy in the Bible during my time with the Lord each day. I read the first verses of chapter 1 of 1 Timothy and was drawn in by the things I read there. Couldn't get beyond the first 2 verses. So, I pulled out my pen and paper and started writing. But, a few minutes later, when I pulled out another version of scripture, I realized I had put an "in" where God put a "by". Sounds simple ... but as I reread the verses, it made a big difference.
James warns us about doing that. He warns us not to "glance" at God's word and think we know what it says. He compares it to glancing in a mirror. James instructs us to look "intently" into the word, like a lady putting on her makeup (my words - not James'). He tells us to pay attention to what it says so we'll know how to obey it.
Common mistake - reading a devotional book or reading the Bible and thinking "Yea, yea ...I know that"!
If we want to live a life that is Christ-centered, it won't be because we follow a list of rules. It won't be because of faithfulness in church attendance. It won't be because we do lots of good things.
A Christ-centered life is lived moment by moment of every day knowing we are right where He wants us. And how do we do that? We don't do it by a quick reading of the Bible everyday. We don't do it by reading what someone else says about the Bible (no matter how devoted to Christ they were or are). We won't do it by completing a Bible study. Those things aren't bad - but they won't give us the assurance we need.
We can live a Christ-centered life everyday if we open the Bible, read what it says, listen for the places that God speaks to us, and then obey what we read.
My suggestion is to follow James' advice in his mirror comparison.
1. Look into the word early each day - just like the first time of the day when you put on your make-up or shave - really look!
2. Stand back and take a visual survey of what you just did. What do you look like right now, physically and spiritually? What is our reflection like? Are we reflecting the grace, mercy and kindness of Christ? Better yet .... Who is our reflection revealing?
3. Make any corrections you see. Deal honestly with what you see.
4. Live that day in confidence that you look like you're suppose to! You are the person God wants you to be and you're right where He placed you. After you have a good look you can glance back as often as you have opportunity or need!
We all make similar mistakes. Some things are just "common" to us all. Let's learn from James ....... stop letting this "glancing" be a mistake in our lives. Life is just too short to miss what God has planned for us!