Alone time!

Sat. morning. Tim's sleeping. We have a guest in the extra room. Ladies coming for Bible study today. Tim and Sasha head south tomorrow. I am so excited that I'll have a little time alone for a couple of days next week! We've been really busy for about 7 weeks and we have another 6 busy weeks ahead of us. In the middle of it all, the alone-time will be a refresher.

I wonder, am I the only one who needs quiet, alone time to stay connected to the the one I love the most? I'm a pretty disciplined person. I've guarded a personal "Sabbath" time since we moved to Ukraine. But, lately my Sabbath time had to be sitting on my bed. I don't mind that, but house-guests are offended when you stay in your room - no matter how many times you tell them why you are sitting alone with headphones in. They get offended when you have to put music on with headphones to find quiet without voices. (panimayo?)

It may not matter what "religion" you are - or even if you have a "religion", most people need a time to pull away - some call it "centering themselves", others say "meditating". But, many know that still, quiet time of reflection is important.

With the busy world we all live in, we can't hear from God if we don't shut out all the other voices competing for our attention. Right now, there is a lady outside my building selling milk, sour cream, vegetables and whatever else she can - right from the trunk of her car. She's here every Sat. and people line up to buy her goods. Can be a distraction, but it's so familiar to me that it's somewhat a comfort.

Most young people today (in Ukraine) ride the Metro or Marshutkas or Trams with headphones on. Everybody seems to be listening to music or something. Lots of sounds and voices!

What about the quiet times? What about the time to ignore the world around you and just enjoy the moment? Focusing on what we do have for a few minutes a day helps us begin the day without feeling "deprived". For believers, that time is an opportunity for Jesus to speak to our hearts and our minds about His love for us and it helps us prepare for the day ahead. I love that time. Jesus isn't a man who lived a long time ago and died. He did live a long time ago. But, He lives today. He's given me a part of Himself - the Holy Spirit - and that part of Him inside me connects me with things beyond my ability or understanding. I miss the connection if I don't take time. Time to be quiet and to listen.

Yep, Bible study today will be good. But, Tim & Sasha being away, that will be good too. I have a date with the man of my dreams ....... and He's waiting for some extended time with me!

Hope you have some time today to sit quietly, maybe look out at the ocean and think about who created it....Walk through the park and enjoy the leaves changing...just find some time to be quiet! Ask Jesus to join you - He never turns down an invitation!


Joanne said…
I'm praying for you that in those special moments and days of next week when you are alone with HIM, that the Lord Jesus Christ will so fill you, you will be like Moses and have a glow. You will be like a young school girl filled with excitement and anticipation because of Love. I pray that it will be so intimate: you will be sitting at HIS feet and then dancing with HIM-MAY HE TOUCH YOU...

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