It's personal! REALLY PERSONAL!

Last week I was walking on the beach and the strand was covered in conch shells.  I've never seen so many! I even picked up quite a few of them.  But, as I've mentioned before, when I walk the strand, I look for heart shaped rocks.  And last week was no exception.  I walked along having a heart conversation with the Lord about many things, including the recent loss of a friend.  And there it was, when my hands were filled almost to overflowing...  THIS BIG BEAUTIFUL HEART ROCK!  It's larger than the palm of my hand! This was one of those moments when God might as well have spoken from heaven.  I knew that rock was personal - REALLY PERSONAL!  It was a gift from God.  It was for me!

There's a verse in James 4 in the Bible that says "Come near to God and he will come near to you" (verse 8).  That rock was just another evidence that God was near to me as I continued to walk through the loss of a friend.  He gave me exactly what He knew would touch me the most in that moment.  That is not coincidence.  That was God!

Think for a moment that the person God used to write that verse was the brother of Jesus.  The brother who knew him all of his life.  A brother who ran and played with Jesus.  A brother who, as a child, was probably often irritated by Jesus' commitment to be a good son and obey his parents.

History records that James didn't believe his brother was the Messiah sent from God until after Jesus' death on the cross (John 7:3-5).  In 1 Corinthians 15:7 we get a glimpse of a private meeting between the risen Messiah and his brother James.  Just a quick note, but oh my, what a meeting that must have been!

James took the message that his brother was the Messiah personally!  REALLY PERSONAL! I can't imagine the joy and sadness he felt when Jesus ascended into heaven not to return until He comes again for his church.  James eventually gave his life rather than deny the truth of his relationship with Jesus, his brother, the Son of God, his Savior and Lord!  And today, more than 2,000 years later, we remember his personal relationship with God.

Today I'll attend a memorial for my friend.  I'll celebrate her life.  I'll celebrate her personal relationship with God through Jesus. But, I'll not say good-bye because I'll see her again in heaven! This is personal - REALLY PERSONAL!

Thank you Lord that you are near to me every day and especially when I need you the most!
Thank you for my "rocks" of remembrance, literally and spiritually!
Thank you that you made it really personal for me by giving your Son so that I could be forgiven of my sin!
Thank you for being personal - REALLY PERSONAL!

"Come near to God and he will come near to you" (James 4:8)! ..........He will, I promise!  He'll make it really personal for you!


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