Daily Re-Start - Our choice!

Light reveals.  Light exposes.  Light reflects.   "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7)

Jesus is called the Light.  He is also called the Word.  Scripture tells us that as we read God's word it is as if we allow a light to shine on all that needs to be revealed or exposed.  We can deal with the revealing because we have forgiveness through Jesus' death on the cross.  While that was a one time for all thing as it relates to salvation, it's quite another thing for a good daily re-start!

I was reminded today that I am the one who loses when I don't take time to allow the light to shine on things in my heart and life that need to be revealed and exposed.  I was reminded my life cannot reflect Christ if I'm just filled up with me and my own thoughts and life.  I needed a re-start.  In fact, I need one every day.

How about you?  Do you give God time every day to speak to your heart about the things that you need to confess and change?  It's not fun, but it's necessary if we want to be His light to others.

While we live in a fast moving world, we have to make the personal choice to get up early enough each day to spend some time with God.  Not only reading His word and praying, but taking time to let Him reflect His pure light on our hearts and then be willing to confess our sin and make some changes.

Is confession a regular part of your time with God?  It should be.  "If we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:8).  Being a Christian isn't all about good thoughts and comforting devotions.  Being a Christian is being a Christ-like person.  That means ongoing change.  Ongoing change requires confession of sin.

Forgiveness of confessed sin is a guarantee!  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).  Don't overlook the "if".  This is a conditional promise.  If we - then He!  We have to do our part!

Some sin shouldn't be written in your journal - unless maybe with just a word, or a Scripture God gives us.  Once it's confessed, it's gone.  We want the journal to be something that helps keep us on track with the Lord.  It need not be a place where we air all our feelings and maybe hurt someone who later may read it.  Never include something in writing that brings you relief but would be devastating if someone else read it.  And we don't need to keep going back to the same writing and beating ourselves up.  We need to share our thoughts and then share God's feelings about our thoughts.    Write the word or Scripture down and date it to remind yourself when God forgave it for good!

Light reveals.  Light exposes.  Light reflects!


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