Just Us Girls!
The lady in the photo (Dalese took the photo) was attending the conference. She most likely came from one of the villages. If she was like most of the ladies there, they left cows and chickens at home. They traveled from a village to get to the meeting. And many of them come from homes where husbands are not believers. Many of them have husbands or children who are alcoholics.
The sweet lady pictured here was sitting in the back of the room. She just wanted to get close to Dalese and I for just a minute. I'm not really sure why. She said it was because she thought we were so "pretty", but I suspect it was for some other reason.
Have you ever wondered, "Why me?" Whether you've been in a situation that was difficult or your felt you never get a break, you probably had those thoughts. I've been asking myself some of those questions. Why was I born in American and not Ukraine? Why did God give me so many opportunities and these ladies so few? Why does it take so much "stuff" for me to function while these ladies thrive with so little?
I get on the Metro day after day and look around and ask myself "why are we so much the same yet so different?". I'm not getting answers to my questions, but I'm learning to live in the moment - whatever it may be.
I'm glad you made it clear that I was not the one in the picture...though I do believe the little lady is beautiful...her spirit anyway!
We may never know the answers...until Heaven...but living in the moment is a great adventure!!!
I'm glad we are on it together!!!